Prof Abdon Atangana is a leading applied Mathematics professor at the UFS. He obtained his honours and master’s degrees from the Department of Applied Mathematics at the UFS with distinction. He obtained his PhD degree in applied mathematics from the Institute for Groundwater Studies. He serves as an editor for 18 international journals and is also a reviewer of more than 200 international accredited journals and has been awarded the world champion of peer review twice, in 2016 and 2017. He also serves on more than 20 editorial boards of applied mathematics and mathematics.
He has presented and participated in more than 20 international conferences and has been invited as plenary speaker in more than 10 international conferences of applied mathematics and mathematics. His research interests are methods and applications of partial and ordinary differential equations, fractional differential equations, perturbation methods, asymptotic methods, iterative methods, and groundwater modelling.
Prof Atangana is the founder of the fractional calculus with non-local and non-singular kernels popular in applied mathematics today. Since 2013 he has published in 165 international accredited journals of applied mathematics, applied physics, geo-hydrology and bio-mathematics. He is also the single author of two books in Academic Press Elsevier.